Almost 3,000 education materials focused on conserving migratory birds successfully delivered to local schools in the RRDBR.
WildAct has produced and distributed a series of education materials to schools in the RRDBR to help students and local people learn more about wetlands and migrating birds. The Red River Delta. The materials include a migratory birds handbook, an exhibition set on migratory bird dangers, a set of T-shirt and backpack with the theme of protecting migratory birds, and a calendar for 2024 titled Migratory Birds.
The education materials will serve as a precious resource for learning and executing relevant educational programs in these schools for booth teachers and schools. This will help spread the message of bird protection "Community joins hands, birds fly home" to all students, instructors, and local communities in three provinces: Ninh Binh, Nam Dinh, and Thai Binh.
Total number of education materials distributed:
1. 2465 migratory bird handbooks: 2465 books
2. 300 calendars: 300
3. 15 Migratory bird backpacks
4. 24 migratory bird T-shirts
5. 154 Bird keychains